D Samson Industries (Pvt) Ltd
Certificate of Merit for Creditable Export Performance awarded by Export Development Council of Ministers, Sri Lanka.
Presidential Export Award (for outstanding performance) bestowed by Export Development Council of Ministers, Sri Lanka.
Certificate of Merit for Creditable Export Performance awarded by Export Development Council of Ministers, Sri Lanka.
Certificate of Appreciation awarded by Sri Lanka Standards Institution.
Certificate of Appreciation awarded by Sri Lanka Standards Institution.
Certificate of Appreciation awarded by Sri Lanka Standards Institution.
Entrepreneur of the Year Competition (Large Industry Category - Southern Province) awarded by FCCISL.
Presidential Export Award (Merit) awarded by Export Development Council of Ministers, Sri Lanka.
Certificate of Merit for Creditable Performance in Productivity awarded by NIBM.
Certificate of Merit for Creditable Performance in Productivity awarded by NIBM.
Export Award (Large Industry Category - Silver) awarded by National Chamber of Exporters of Sri Lanka.
World Temperance Day National Award for Great Service Rendered awarded by Sober Sri Lanka - International Organization of Good Templars.
Export Award (Bronze) awarded by National Chamber of Exporters of Sri Lanka.
Export Award (Merit) awarded by National Chamber of Exporters of Sri Lanka.
National Safety Award (Merit) awarded by the Department of Labour and Employee's Trust Fund Board, Sri Lanka.
ISO 9001:2000 Certification for Rubber Compounds awarded by DNV.
National Safety Award (Provincial Winner) awarded by the Department of Labor and Employee's Trust Fund Board, Sri Lanka.
Export Award (Merit) awarded by National Chamber of Exporters of Sri Lanka.
National Award for Export Excellence awarded by the Ministry of Commerce Consumer Affairs, Sri Lanka
National Safety Award (Southern Province - Merit) awarded by the Department of Labor and Employee's Trust Fund Board, Sri Lanka.
Export Award (Silver) awarded by National Chamber of Exporters of Sri Lanka.
5S Merit Certificate awarded at the Taiki Akimoto 5S Competition.
ISO 9001:2000 Design & Manufacture of F/W & Footwear Components awarded by DNV.
5S Merit Certificate awarded at the Taiki Akimoto 5S Competition.
Productivity Certificate 2005 (Southern Province - 1st Place) awarded by the Provincial Productivity Secretariat, Sri Lanka.
National Productivity & Quality Award (Manufacturing Sector - Large Scale - Special Commendation Certificate) awarded by the National Productivity Secretariat, Sri Lanka.
National Safety Award (1st Runner up for the Safety Workplace in the Manufacturing & Processing Sector) awarded by the Department of Labour & Employee's Trust Fund Board, Sri Lanka.
5S Merit Certificate awarded at the Taiki Akimoto 5S Competition
Export Award (Bronze) awarded by National Chamber of Exporters of Sri Lanka.
Presidential Export Award (Non Traditional Product & Services F/W) awarded by EDB.
NCE Export Award (Bronze) awarded by National Chamber of Exporters of Sri Lanka.
National Safety Award awarded by National Chamber of Exporters of Sri Lanka.
NCE Export Award (Gold) awarded by National Chamber of Exporters of Sri Lanka.
Sri Lankan Entrepreneur of the Year awarded by National Chamber of Exporters of Sri Lanka.
NSri Lankan Enterprenure of the Year 2008 awarded by FCCISL.
NCE Export Award (Bronze) awarded by National Chamber of Exporters of Sri Lanka.
NCE Export Award (Bronze) awarded by National Chamber of Exporters of Sri Lanka.
Samson Reclaim Rubbers (Pvt) Ltd
Entrepreneur of the Year (Southern Province Industry Sector - Silver) awarded by Federation of Chambers of Commerce & Industry of Sri Lanka.
NCE Export Award (Large Industry Category - 3rd place) awarded by National Chamber of Exporters of Sri Lanka.
NDB Productivity Award (Manufacturing Sector - 1st Runner Up) awarded by NDB.
National Productivity Award (Merit) awarded by NDB.
JASTECA Taiki Akimoto 5 S Award (Merit) awarded at Taiki Akimoto 5 S Competition.
JASTECA Taiki Akimoto 5 S Award (Merit) awarded at Taiki Akimoto 5 S Competition.
NCE Exporters Award (Large Category - Bronze) awarded by National Chamber of Exporters of Sri Lanka.
National Business Excellence Award (Merit) awarded by National Chamber of Exporters of Sri Lanka.
Ruhunu Expo Award (Merit) awarded by EDB.
National Level Award (Large Scale Manufacturing - Merit) awarded by CNCI.
Southern Province Manufacturing (Large - Merit) awarded by CNCI.
Samson Rubber Products (Pvt) Ltd
Export Award (Merit) awarded by National Chamber of Exporters of Sri Lanka.
Export Award (Bronze) awarded by National Chamber of Exporters of Sri Lanka.
Sri Lanka Entrepreneur of the Year (National - Silver Award) awarded by FCCIS.
Sri Lanka Entrepreneur of the Year (Southern Province - Silver Award) awarded by FCCIS. |
Export Award (Bronze) awarded by National Chamber of Exporters of Sri Lanka.
Export Award (Silver) awarded by National Chamber of Exporters of Sri Lanka.
National Award for Export Excellence (Bronze) awarded by the Ministry of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Sri Lanka.
Export Award (Bronze) awarded by National Chamber of Exporters of Sri Lanka.
Sri Lanka Entrepreneur of the Year (Southern Province - Bronze Award) awarded by FCCISL.
Export Award (Bronze) awarded by National Chamber of Exporters of Sri Lanka.
National Award for Export Excellence (Winner) awarded by the Ministry of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Sri Lanka.
Export Award (Bronze) awarded by National Chamber of Exporters of Sri Lanka.
Th Best Exporter (Provincial Award ) in the Galle district- awarded by National Chamber of Exporters of Sri Lanka. |
Samson Rubber Industries (Pvt) Ltd
Entrepreneur of the Year (Western Province - Large Industry Category - Silver Award) awarded by the Federation of Chambers of Commerce & Industry of Sri Lanka.
Presidential Export Award (Export Performance) awarded by EDB.
In appreciation of the significant contribute made to the polymer industry in Sri Lanka (Merit) awarded by the Plastic & Rubber Institute of Sri Lanka.
Productivity Award (Manufacturing Sector - Large Category - Merit) awarded by National Development Bank of Sri Lanka.
ISO 9001:2000 Certification awarded by Det Norske Veritas Certification B.V - The Netherlands.
National Business Excellence Award (Merit) awarded by National Chamber of Commerce, Sri Lanka.
Samson International PLC
Presidential Export Award awarded by the Export Development Board of Sri Lanka.
Presidential Export Award (Merit) awarded by the Export Development Board of Sri Lanka.
Presidential Export Award (Merit) awarded by the Export Development Board of Sri Lanka.
Presidential Export Award (Merit) awarded by the Export Development Board of Sri Lanka.
ISO 9002 Quality Certification awarded by Det Norske Veritas Industry B.V. - The Netherlands.
National Productivity Award (Merit) awarded by the National Development Bank of Sri Lanka.
Export Award (Extra Large Category - Silver) awarded by the National Chamber of Exporters of Sri Lanka.
Export Award (Extra Large Category - Silver) awarded by the National Chamber of Exporters of Sri Lanka.
Export Award (Extra Large Category - Silver) awarded by the National Chamber of Exporters of Sri Lanka.
Export Award (Extra Large Category - Bronze) awarded by the National Chamber of Exporters of Sri Lanka.
D. Samson & Sons (Pvt) Ltd
Sri Lankan Entrepreneur of the Year (Service Sector - Large Category - Western Province - Merit Award) awarded by FCCISL.
Sri Lankan Entrepreneur of the Year (Western Province - Silver Award) awarded by FCCISL.
SLIM Brand Excellence Award awarded by Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing.
National Productivity Award (Western Province - 2nd Place) awarded by National Productivity Secretariat, Sri Lanka.
National Productivity Award (Footwear Division - Western Province - 3rd Place) awarded by National Productivity Secretariat, Sri Lanka.
ISO 9001 Scope of Certificate Marketing of Footwear awarded by Sri Lanka Standards Institution.
Cricket Runner Up Award (Panadura Sports Club) awarded by President’s Executive Committee, Sri Lanka.
Sambudda Jayanthi Award from All Island Buddhist Congress.
AVI - Best New Entrant of the Year awarded by Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing.
AVI - Best Entry Kit AVI awarded by Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing.
The Brand Leadership Award (Super Sport Brand) awarded by World Brand Congress, Mumbai.
Local Brand of the Year (DSI Super Sports) - awarded by Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing.
D. Samson & Sons (Pvt) Ltd
Sri Lankan Entrepreneur of the Year (Service Sector - Large Category - Western Province - Merit Award) awarded by FCCISL.
Sri Lankan Entrepreneur of the Year (Western Province - Silver Award) awarded by FCCISL.
SLIM Brand Excellence Award awarded by Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing.
National Productivity Award (Western Province - 2nd Place) awarded by National Productivity Secretariat, Sri Lanka.
National Productivity Award (Footwear Division - Western Province - 3rd Place) awarded by National Productivity Secretariat, Sri Lanka.
ISO 9001 Scope of Certificate Marketing of Footwear awarded by Sri Lanka Standards Institution.
Cricket Runner Up Award (Panadura Sports Club) awarded by President’s Executive Committee, Sri Lanka.
Sambudda Jayanthi Award from All Island Buddhist Congress.
AVI - Best New Entrant of the Year awarded by Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing.
AVI - Best Entry Kit AVI awarded by Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing.
The Brand Leadership Award (Super Sport Brand) awarded by World Brand Congress, Mumbai.
Local Brand of the Year (DSI Super Sports) - awarded by Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing.
Vechenson (Pvt) Ltd
Sri Lankan Entrepreneur of the Year (Service Sector - Large Category - Western Province - Merit Award) awarded by FCCISL.