DSI : Dealer Convention in Puttalam

D. Samson & Sons (Pvt) Ltd held its first dealer convention for the year in Puttalam. Titled ‘Race to Success’, the convention was held on the 26th of May 2016 at the Carolina Beach Hotel, Chilaw with 102 dealers been chosen and esteemed for their services. This dealer convention is but one of a series of conventions being organized all around the country. 

The primary objective of the campaign was to recognize and honor the company’s business partners in the Puttalam district. As a special highlight, the top 10 dealers from the district were specially recognized with a token of appreciation for their unmatched loyalty. A forum discussion had been organized as a part of the convention in order to address any issues faced by the dealers and to share any other comments and feedback offered by them so as to further strengthen the partnership between DSS and its dealers. 

Attending were Director of D. Samson & Sons (Pvt) Ltd, Mrs. Kaushalya Perera, Chief Operating Officer, Mr. Ruwan Kannangara, members of the senior management, members of the sales and marketing staff as well as some of the organization’s business partners. 

A special highlight of the event was an entertaining fashion show, which was organized to showcase the new product arrivals in the DSI portfolio. Several products from the fashion show were specially featured to educate the business partners in attendance about the products in order to create a better understanding about the range offered by DSI.


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