When operating a large and diversified group of companies such as ours, there are many parallel services that are essential for the smooth functioning of each company. While we consider these services as fundamental, they also require specialised skills. Therefore, we believe that one company with the required know-how could perform these services on behalf of the entire group in an efficient manner. This was the beginning of Samson Group Corporate Services (Pvt) Ltd: a Company that offers an array of specialists needed for problem-free operations across the many DSI Companies. This strategy has proven to a winner for the DSI Samson Group.

SGCS offers group companies a range of strategic planning and financial management services, as well as infrastructure management facilities with specialised departments handling imports, exports, legal services, IT, Insurance, Finance and Treasury functions by allowing group companies to outsource non-core aspects of the business to experts, thereby gaining a competitive advantage.
Established in 2008, Samson Insurance Brokers (Pvt) Ltd. specialises in managing all types of General Insurance Business and arranging insurance coverage for all your requirements at competitive rates. We have a committed team ready to cater to all your insurance needs and we can assure you that our team of experts will regularly update you on all potential risk areas and advice you on how to mitigate them in the most cost-effective manner.
Established in 2008, Samson Insurance Brokers (Pvt) Ltd. specialises in managing all types of General Insurance Business and arranging insurance coverage for all your requirements at competitive rates. We have a committed team ready to cater to all your insurance needs and we can assure you that our team of experts will regularly update you on all potential risk areas and advice you on how to mitigate them in the most cost-effective manner.